There were a bunch of times I wanted to post over Thanksgiving but something was up with my blogger app.
Anyway, here is a pic of Dad shucking oysters out in the barn kitchen. Sis Joy and her hubby Mike served up omelets Thanksgiving morn, and Bro Eddie and his gal Olga dished up Colombian Chicken a couple days after Thanksgiving, all from the happy barn kitchen. Dad added some improvements recently like a pot bellied stove and a couple of cabinets - it's really nice!
Happy belated Thanksgiving to all!
I was very happy to spend Thanksgiving at the farm. It was the first time all of my siblings were together in ... we're not sure how long. We can't really remember the last time we were all together. Good times.
Ehrm, I did quit my job somewhat abruptly (have another lined up). It wasn't really a planned thing, but I feel good about my decision. Sometimes we have to follow what seems best for us at the time, even though it may not always follow conventional practices. Time will tell...
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