Tina Fey is so clever. I almost busted a gut when she said this on 30 Rock last night: "If I have learned anything from my Sims family, when a child doesn't see his father enough he starts to jump up and down, and then his mood level will drop until he pees himself." Jack was figuring out if he should meet his Dad or not.
Ok, Ace of Cakes is really fun on the Food Network. I was only vaguely aware of this show but was working and had it on in the background. It's really quirky and is like IT person meets bakery chef. I love it. Yesterday, this one guy was making a sky scraper cake for a company out of Center City, PA (Philly). It would show him working on it and muttering under his breath, "everything could go wrong with this cake". Then when stuff did start going wrong with it, he was fully able to problem solve and make it brilliant. I love this show! Here's a pic from photobucket.com.

The sky scraper guy is the one on the far left in black t-shirt.