Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pics Explained

Hello. Thanks Amy and Mardi for the delightful comments. The memoirs of Amy shall be written - "On Greenish Pond". Mardi, there are no extra rooms in the barn, but there are plenty in the "big house". Me thinks we need to host a librarian week!

All the pics below in no particular order: Yesterday I mowed the grass and went to the beach to cool off and relax for a bit, thus the beach pics. The food item is of some fresh salsa I chopped up with mangoes to add on the side a few days ago. The odd pic of me was my failed attempt at taking a before-ish type pic of my girth, as I am eating better and exercising (have been for a week or so anyway). Mom called in mid camera timer which is why I am talking on the phone. And last but not least, my container garden of cherry tomatoes, basil, parsley, rosemary, eggplant, bell pepper, and lettuce. Michelle Obama, I'm following in your footsteps.


Week in Pictures