Wow, there is a lot to learn on this here internet. I just spent probably half an hour trying to figure out how to affiliate with amazon.com. Anyhoo, I'm learning my way around the blogger site and enjoying it immensely. Soon, though, my time will be limited, as I've taken a job with Cloud10. Apparently, I will be a tech support person for a large cable company. The best part is I will be working from my home! It's been 4 months since I've had regular work, and I can't wait to get started. How incredible that I can go to work in my PJ's and step into the kitchen for lunch - lovely. Well, I just thank God that life is so good and so hopeful.
On the God front, a beloved priest once told me that sometimes our spritual life is sort of like an amphibian's. We travel up and down, coming up for air when we need it. I guess his hand gestures don't really translate. My bad. Basically I was going through one of these times where I just feel like I'm going through the motions, my prayer is off, and I'm just sort of "not into it". I figure it's sort of like when you married folks sort of settle down into life and some of the spark is gone. I know it always comes back, and it makes me trust Jesus the same, but I just feel like I'm not a very attentive follower. Does that make sense?
So, I've been in such transition for the last four months, that I feel like lent came and went before I really participated in it. If anyone is reading, give me your comments, perhaps what you gave up for lent (if you're comfortable doing so) and how lent has been for you this year and years past. God bless and to all a pleasant sleep...