Wow. It seems like whatever could go wrong has gone wrong over the last few days. Sunday morning I was to go up to Birmingham to welcome my cousin into the Catholic church. I had some nausea and was unable to go. She ended up bringing all of my stuff from Birmingham yesterday, spending the night, and heading back up today. Very sweet!
:THEN after my Dad, the steadiest fellow in the world, made arrangements to buy some property, he decided it wasn't a good idea after all. See earlier post about said, GIDDY property. The property will not be purchased. Oh well, I'm disappointed, but easy come easy go. My dad is getting older and can't quite manage business transactions the way he used to.
My plan to change a lot of my ads over to fair trade and "green" ads has not panned out. I've been turned down by quite a few. Mostly because my traffic is too slow - I guess.
The last straw was during my first night of training tonight with Cloud10. I'm going along great for the first 3 hours. Everything was working great. Computer and headset were giving me no troubles whatsoever. After the break, my computer starts running slowly, and I can hear not one thing. Thankfully one of the other students transcribed everything that was going on through the chat feature. The first few days are for getting kinks worked out, so I didn't miss any content. But, dang, it's been an up and down few days.
Oh well. Life spins this way sometimes. An old, old country gospel song comes to mind: "Praaaayyeeeeze Gaaawwwdd Ennyhowwwwww"! I am an annoying Pollyanna. My sister Cheryl would probably not agree. Just call me Crankella Deville. GRRRRRR!
Pic is of sis Cheryl's dog Gracie. My sentiments exactly...