This is a curious thing. Earlier this week I had all these folks coming to my site. By yesterday my traffic dropped off to a trickle. It makes me wonder how they got here and why they stopped. I'm looking into it.
Does blogger/Google drive folks to your site for you to get a leg up? Were there pop ups on my site from affiliate program ads that scared my peeps away? Are people still coming but my counters not tracking them? The number from the Blogger monetize tab is different from my counter by about 20. The more I learn the more questions I have. From reading I've done so far, you have to market your site in various ways. One thing I've done is listed my site on my local newspaper website. I may list it on the backs of local Catholic church bulletins. Time will tell.
Speaking of time, mine is running out this am. I have to go set up my modem and phone for my "Getting Operational" session at noon. Dearest Coco the wee min pin is at my side and will be sad when I have to banish her, Festus, and Gracie to the garage for my session. The pic above is of coco taken by her Aunt Cheryl. Keep my computer and me in your prayers this day ;).