Friday, March 19, 2010

Flannery O'Connor's Voice!

In my twenties, I was quite taken with Tennessee Williams.  In middle age, I am quite turned off by his decadence.  Naturally, Flannery O'Connor takes his place in my literary life what with her unwavering redemptive and Catholic themes and her Southern caricatures.  I remember being tirelessly (overstatement) dedicated to finding Tennessee in motion or audio.  Being that was the nineties, it took some time to dig up a Bio video.  My problem where Flannery is concerned only took a few minutes with the World Wide Web of trivial folks blogging away (ahem).  Hearing both Tenn and Flann were equally exciting - I'm just sayin'!  Her voice drips with the distortion of the English language only her time and place could produce - rural Georgia in the mid Twentieth Century.  There's a rounding of certain vowel sounds you only hear in our ancient folks.  This is a must hear:

