The grass IS getting mowed today! Me thinks me blogging has caused a delay in me household chores - oops.
Yesterday my "getting operational" session went down. The lady was nifty who guided 8-10 of us through the process at cloud10. Props to Portia, the tech multi-tasking guru. In this age of the Jetsons it's pretty stellar that you can do so much over the internet and phone airwaves. Man, we are all sitting in our home offices and getting work done. So neato.
There ARE some crummy things being said about cloud10 on the internet due to a DTV project issue. I chose to stick with cloud10 because so many people in the WAH forums stood by their side. So far, and I realize it's just been a short while, I've seen very patient, professional folks.
I'm slowly changing over some of my ads, and thinking toward having several blogs: Florida Catholic Gal, Florida Online Mall Gal, Florida Cracker Cooking Gal, Florida Living In a Dream World Gal, Florida I Need to Get Off My A*% and Mow the Grass Gal...Har Har Harrrr...
Happy Holy Thursday. If there happen to be any local folks viewing, the Easter Triduum services at St Sylvester's in Navarre, FL are at the following times:
Holy Thursday Mass: 7pm
Good Friday Liturgy: 7pm
Easter Vigil Mass: 7pm
Easter Sunday: 9am & 11am
Easter Spanish Mass: 5pm
Father Kelly has an amazing gift of preaching, so be there or be square :) . Our Lord has done so much for us, can't we be there for Him?
Here's the link to St Sylvester's: